Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tune in Tuesday

A weekly feature hosted by GReads that showcases music.

This is my first time joining this meme however I sorta do the same thing on my other blog, Paranormal Sisters, where I showcase songs on sunday.

But I thought I join this meme for my very first blog, this one.

So this'll be fun.....(:

The Borken Ones- Dia Frampton

Happy Listening & Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Changes....once more

I decided to change the theme of this blog once again.

Instead of just talking about my bookish stuff I want to talk about what I experience, since I'll be learning a lot this year. Right now I'm in spring semester and I'm learning Make Up for Theatre, Styles of Acting, and Beginning Sewing.

So, I'll be showing you my victims of Make up, my garments I learn to make from Sewing and I'll probably talk about the plays I read in Styles of acting.

Plus, I'll talk about overall- my life- on this blog. My wonderful experiences. And all the great I hope to accomplish. 

So I hope the few readers will stay and hope to make that number grow just a little bit.

Happy Life Everybody and I can't wait to share my experiences with you...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bookish 2012 goals

This morning I came up with a few goals I hope to accomplish. Only three right now.

First goal, is to get my short horror story out there on kindle and what not so you guys can have a taste for my writing before I self publish my big series

Second goal, is to publish my first novel, Broken, before my 20th birthday coming on Dec 1. I'll copyright it, see how much it is for cost to get it out in paperback and then get the cover designed done by my favorite self publish author of mine, Keary Taylor.

I already know what it's going to look like so when my friend has time I'll ask if she can draw it out. Also before I get it copyrighted my mother will be (finally) able to sit down and read it mostly because she's going to have knee surgery so in her time off she'll have loads of time to get to it. :)

Third goal, is to get close to finishing the second book in the series done. That if people love the first then they won't have to wait a whole year for the next. Hopefully. I'm already half way done and so forth. Got more written than typed.

So crosses fingers and I can't wait to show you guys what I do accomplish.